Crystallized rose petals may seem weird, but they serve a variety of purposes. The petals not only taste good but they compliment food and make it look more appealing. The flavor added by these petals is a nice compliment to…
Author: Healthy Eater
Organically Raised Beef Continues to Increase in Popularity
A recent book by Ted Genoways tilt led This Blessed Earth would be an informational read not only for high school classes, because but also any adults who find themselves far removed from the sources of the food that they…
The Important Of Food Packaging
Food packaging is an important part of food safety as well as crucial to the continued protection of our environment. And food packaging is even more than that, as it helps to make food even more appealing to the consumers…
Growing Nut Trees At Home
It can be hard to grow much in the urban environment, but planting nut trees is one way to add interest to even a small yard and grow something that’s both decorative and also has great nutritional content. According to…
Golf The Difficult Sport if Played Well
Golf is a difficult sport played by people who have a deep distrust in their own abilities to play other, more athletic sports like soccer, basketball, baseball, hockey, tennis, rock climbing, and more. Golf is a difficult sport because it…
Coffee American Tastes and Preferences
Americans like coffee. Americans like coffee so much that they consume billions of dollars worth of it per year. And that’s just at large chains like Starbucks. The amount of coffee consumed in America is more than the coffee consumed…
What is a Growler?
The American craft beer market is currently worth about $23.5 billion, and the number of brewers in the country is higher than it has ever been: 4,269 in 2015. Small and independent craft brewers are a growing share of that…
Wagyu Beef Online A Breakdown of Healthy Food
There are many important points to eating a diet that is significantly rich in carbohydrates, fats, and protein. There are many reasons why this is important and many reasons why these essential “macros” are important to every day life and…
The Nutritional and Cognitive Benefits of Eating Nuts and Seeds From Chia Seeds to Walnuts
When consumed just by themselves, nuts are a popular snack food. They are also added to a variety of dishes such as salads and breads. From peanut butter cookies to pecan pie, nuts form the basis of some of America’s…
Keeping Your Wedding Lighthearted and Fun With Tacos
Though the media shows many elaborate weddings taking place every year, many others are choosing a casual route as a way to save money on their big day, or have fun and relate to guests who are looking to have…