When consumed just by themselves, nuts are a popular snack food. They are also added to a variety of dishes such as salads and breads. From peanut butter cookies to pecan pie, nuts form the basis of some of America’s favorite desserts. Even though nuts and seeds are popular foods, it’s important to note that they also have a variety of nutritional and cognitive benefits. Furthermore, studies show that consuming nuts is also beneficial for reducing the risk of experiencing certain types of diseases.
The Health Benefits of Eating Chia Seeds
Many people in the United States add chia seeds to their morning cereal or yogurt. These tiny seeds contain the following nutritional substances:
- Water: 6%
- Carbohydrates: 46%
- Fat: 34%
- Protein: 19%
It’s also important to note that 83% of the carbohydrates contained within chia seeds are fiber. A one ounce serving of these seeds provides 11 grams of fiber., which contributes significantly to the daily recommended intake.
The Health Benefits of Eating Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia nuts are also high in fiber. Just one ounce of these buttery nuts contains roughly 2.3 grams. They also contain B1 and magnesium in high amounts. A single serving of macadamia nuts fulfills the daily recommended amounts for these vital nutrients:
- Manganese: 58%
- Thiamin: 23%
The Health Benefits of Eating Pecans
Loma Linda University in California conducted a recent study. The results of this study showed that after eating pecans, the participants had increased antioxidant levels in their bloodstreams. Furthermore, these antioxidant levels were present 24 hours after consumption.
The Health Benefits of Eating Peanuts
Peanut trees provide one of the United States’ favorite nuts. While peanut trees actually produce legumes, rather than nuts, this doesn’t seem to make a difference in the amount of peanuts and peanut products that are consumed every year in this country. When considering overall nut consumption, the versatile peanut accounts for 67% of all the nuts being consumed.
In terms of nutritional value, a one-ounce serving of raw peanuts can provide individuals with 7.3 grams of protein and 2.4 grams of fiber. Thanks to peanut trees, 90% of the households within the United States are able to enjoy peanut butter sandwiches and other delicious snacks and meals.
The Overall Health Benefits Associated With Eating Nuts
In addition to the above nutritional benefits, there are other types of health benefits that are associated with consuming nuts on a regular basis. According to a Spanish study with 8,865 male and female participants, nuts can assist people with maintaining a healthy weight. The individuals that ate nuts a minimum of two times a week, for example, were found to be 31% less likely to gain weight than their counterparts that never ate nuts.
Research conducted by Harvard also showed that eating nuts on a regular basis had benefits. When individuals have two servings per day, it can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.
The results obtained from several other studies showed that eating nuts may play a role in improving brain function. One of these studies was conducted over an eight-week period with 64 young healthy adults. The results showed that when they ate walnuts over this time period, their comprehension was improved.
Learn More About the Health Benefits of Nuts
There are, of course, other health benefits to eating nuts on a regular basis. When someone wants to increase their nutritional knowledge base, there are a variety of valuable resources available. In addition to consulting with a nutritionist, many Americans may choose to speak to their primary care physician or conduct further research online from reputable sources.