A lot of work goes into preparing a single dish.
You have the efforts of chefs who make sure food is cooked to order. You have restaurant owners that put a lot of time and thought into crafting meals that appeal across multiple demographics. When it comes to putting on a performance before fork ever touches food, micro green varieties remain the proverbial showstopper. Delicate candied flowers and bright edible herb crystals go a long way in making your creations stand out, giving them a sense of style that will be talked about long after the meal has come to a close. Micro green varieties, however, take a special hand to cultivate.
Have you thought of adding microgreens to salads or embellishing your pastries with edible lavender flowers? Here’s why you should consider making the plunge and giving your customers a little extra something to look forward to.
Food Presentation Is Just As Important As Flavor
Your customers don’t visit your restaurant just to fill their stomachs. They want an experience that will be remembered all month long. Food presentation, or the art of plating, is an important part of any restaurant, deli or cafe. Children generally prefer more colors, as many as six, while adults tend to be more minimal. Children also want many food components and flavors due to their still-developing tastebuds. Micro green varieties take food presentation to an entirely different level.
Edible Flowers And Microgreens Have Been Around For Years
When you start looking into micro green varieties you may be surprised by the variety you find. These beautiful food accents have been around for nearly 30 years and are starting to see an uptick in popularity thanks to today’s active blogging culture. Today’s largest and most active Flickr group is called ‘I Ate This’, including more than 300,000 photos contributed by nearly 20,000 members. There’s nothing quite like good word-of-mouth to advertise your restaurant for you, that of which organic micro greens makes all too easy to do.
Fine Dining Is Becoming More Popular
As touched on above, fine dining is becoming more popular than ever and it’s never been a better time to take another look at your menu. The average fine dining cost per person in the United States is $30. According to data provided by the Bureau Of Labor Statistics (or BLS), households with incomes of $100,000 or higher are responsible for around 35% of the total spending on food away from home. Additional information has also seen visits to fine-dining restaurants seeing a 3% increase over the past year.
Micro Greens Are Edible And Palatable
You don’t have to worry about crystallized flowers or micro green varieties affecting the flavor of your meal. In fact, they enhance it. There are nearly 100 types of common garden flowers that are both edible and palatable, easily adorned on a wide variety of meals, pastries and treats. They can be candied, combined with other greens or crystallized into an artful arrangement. Due to being formed by very young vegetables and plants these food accents are very difficult to make. Finding a skilled grower is in your best interest if you want to reap all the benefits.
Micro Green Varieties Are Delicate Creations
While it can be tempting to try and grow these yourself, the finicky nature of micro green varieties makes finding a reputable grower a much better idea. Microgreens should be stored at an optimal temperature of four degrees Celsius or 40 degrees Fahrenheit. They should then be kept in a refrigerator at around 40 degrees in a closed container. Basil, in particular, is very sensitive to low temperatures and can turn dark brown or even black due to exposure to harsh environments. These greens also have their own scale from one to five, with three being the minimum level of quality.
Give your dish a final touch that makes it sing. Invest in edible blossoms for your restaurant and see what your customers have to say.