Good caterers are hard to find. You’re probably acutely aware of this now more than ever, as you shell out hundreds of dollars on the summer wedding circuit eating rubber chicken and dubious Greek fusion at many an ill conceived reception. If you’ve got a big event coming up and are in the market for outside catering services, consider running through this checklist before committing to a company:
1.Understand Your Event And How To Communicate Its Concept
This seems like a no-brainer, but is probably the most important part of the event planning and catering process. Often, we build our events around a theme and then pick the catering to fit within that theme–and some caterers are more niche than others. If you’re having an event in a natural or rural space for example, like a park or a barn, good caterers will probably be able to transport all the necessary cooking equipment, but this may not be feasible logistically or financially. Conversely, if you’re going for a post modern urban vibe, you’re probably not going to want a caterer who specializes in fatty down-home comfort food featuring cream and pork chops. Which brings us to the next item on the list…
2. Ask About Green Options And Specialty Accomidations
Even if you’re not planning on having a lot of green, leafy food options at your event, one way to ferret out good caterers is to see how on trend they are–and green is very on trend right now. Compare each company’s hors doeuvres menu and quiz the head chef on whether the ingredients used to make the food are organic and wholesome. It’s also a good idea to have a handle on anyone’s food allergies or special needs before making the final decisions on event menus, as some caterers are more adaptable than others.
3. Inquire About Perks and Pinache
Good caterers will often provide some degree of decor to go along with the food. Nice table settings, linens, chair covers, garnish, and floral arrangements are all integral parts of food presentation and have been proven to enhance the dining experience. Shop around for package deals and hold out for the spread that intrigues your eye as well as your tastebuds. Finally…
4. Check The Rep
There are dozens of laws governing safety and sanitation in food service, and good caterers will be up to date on all of them. Make sure to vet your short list for compliance and customer satisfaction via reputable sites like Yelp and glassdoor before making a final decision.
Please, comment below with the caterer you went with and if this checklist was helpful. We’re always on the hunt for an up-and-coming business to promote.