So, it’s no secret that TexMex cuisine is all the rage. Going out for some south of the boarder cuisine is great for dates and family gatherings alike. One of the most crucial ingredients for any successful Mexican dish is salsa. If you have a good assortment of fresh salsa choices, chances are you have a good meal. Most recipes using salsa will be in the dip family. Some different types of salsa dips include, classic mild salsa dip, pico de gallo salsa dips, and other assorted southwestern salsa recipes. There are however creative recipes using salsa that we can enjoy has well. Here are a few that I particularly enjoy.
The first of our recipes using salsa is chipotle chili. This is a great one for a cold weeknight. Simply combine all of your favorite chili ingredients together in a crockpot. Through in a salsa of your choice. I tend to go with medium to add a bit of spice but not overwhelm the dish. Put these ingredients in the pot in the morning, set for low and let them cook all day. When you get home from work, you can serve it up with a dollop of sour cream and some shredded cheddar cheese and you’ve got a great easy and delicious meal.
The next in the list of recipes using salsa is taco soup. This is as easy as it sounds. Combine ingredients such as salsa, chicken, cheese, black beans, and green onions, together in a broth. Top with crumbled tortilla chips and sour cream.
Both of these meals are quick and easy. They can be made to your family’s personal tastes and work well any night of the week. For a more nutritional version of each, choose cheeses and sour creams that are low fat. Fresh salsa calories are fairly low so it is an ideal healthy ingredient for any recipes using salsa.