Your daughter noticed the custom ice cream cups during her run earlier in the day. On her three mile trek around the revitalized downtown area you daughter found a bookstore that she wanted to visit and a gift boutique that looked interesting. She also noticed some unique custom ice cream cups that several people were carrying. As an ice cream enthusiast your daughter insisted that you visit this sweet treat shop. She had the name of the business and according to the map app on her camera it was only a half of a mile away.
Some twenty minutes later, however, you still had not located the ice cream shop. The app on your phone indicated that you were close and your daughter was certain that she saw the ice cream fans in the area of the shopping district created with refurbished train cars. Joined together in their original colors the urban shopping district was adorable, but you simply could not find the ice cream space. Just as you were preparing to call for details, you saw three children chillin on the hard plastic chairs in a gathering area eating the exact ice cream you were looking for. Asking them where they found the ice cream, the three simply pointed up. You had not realized that these train cars were not only joined side to side, they were also stacked. Following their directions to a set of stairs that you had not noticed, you finally located the store.
Minutes later, you were each holding a biodegradable cup of your favorite flavors, eating the frozen treat with spoons made from recycled materials. Your daughter was in heaven, enjoying a happy combination of two of her favorite things: ice cream and environmentally friendly practices.
Finding the Perfect Ice Cream Store Is Something to Scream About!
From funky colors of custom ice cream cups that advertise the clever names of local companies to the unique flavors that local shops offer, there are plenty of ways to fulfill your ice cream passion. In fact, if you are a big fan of ice cream it likely will not surprise you that you are not alone. Did you know, for instance, that in any given two-week period, according to research the national researchers at the NPD Group, that 40% of Americans will eat ice cream? This means that the average American will consume ice cream 28.5 times this year alone. This also corresponds with the fact that 90% of U.S. households indicate that they regularly indulge in a sweet, frozen treat.
And while June is the month that the most ice cream is produced, nearly 9% of all the milk produced by U.S. dairy farmers is used to produce ice cream year round. If your family loves an ice cream treat at the end of a long day you likely have your own stories about finding the favorite local ice cream spot when you were on a vacation or work trip. Not all of these dessert stores will be part of a unique environment created by refurbished railroad cars stacked and joined together, but chances are that every store you locate will provide some kind of a unique frozen treat.