It may only be the third week in April, but many colleges across the country have already had their spring inter squad football game. And while there still lots more cold than warm days ahead in the next few weeks, the weather does not stop the hardiest of fans from pulling out their best beer growlers and tailgating like it is the middle of the regular football season. In fact, as a way to encourage people to make it out for the spring game even when it is a little cooler, a number of radio stations, sporting goods stores, and other merchants offer what they claim to be the best beer growler for sale at football season preview events. Even better, some of these merchants offer a custom decorated insulated beer growler for people who pay admission to the beginning of season tailgate parties.
As a way to show that you belong, these same custom growlers often serve as admission into future events as well.
Custom Drink Ware Continues to Grow in Popularity As Football Season Approaches
For the biggest football fans it does not always take much of an excise to party. In fact, sports fans for other teams as well love the opportunity to make sure that they connect with their favorite friends and family as soon as the season starts. And while some people are interested in seeing friends from the past, others are looking to meet new people while they are tailgating for any upcoming football game or other sporting event. Fortunately, a cold glass of beer is a great way to make sure that you are able to be in the right frame of mind before the day’s big game.
The beer making and drinking industry play a fairly significant role in the country’s economy. And while an insulated growler can serve a lot of purposes, as football season approaches many people are looking for a mug that will keep their beer cold. Did you know that 14% of Americans drink beer once a week and that U.S. consumers 21 years and older consumed 27.5 gallons of beer and cider per person during the year 2015. If you are a thirsty part of either of these statistics then you know the importance of having a personalized growler when your favorite tail gating season finally arrives!