There’s nothing quite like a good cup of coffee early in the morning.
This simple brand of logic has permeated the fabric of the United States for decades now. You can just throw a rock and hit any number of small cafes and major coffee chains! But what is it about this drink that resonates with so many people? For some it’s the caffeine rush, giving them the boost they need to make it through the first half of their workday. For others it’s the flavor that curls their toes and lifts their mood. For a cafe to succeed in such a saturated market, it’s essential they get in touch with these little details to always provide their customers something that speaks to them personally.
Coffee stirrers, a hot soup container…there are a few things no cafe can do without.
Cups With Lids
Coffee consumers are often on-the-go. Why not make sure they’re covered every step of the way? Today’s retail value of the American coffee market is at an impressive $48 billion, with specialty roasts comprising nearly 55% of the total value share. Cups with lids are a standard part of the classic latte, mocha or americano. These can be paired with drink stirrers or stoppers for a full experience your repeat customers and new visitors won’t soon be forgetting.
Hot Soup Container
It’s not just coffee that gets people’s mouth watering. It’s also a good bowl of hot soup. Studies have shown women to be twice as likely to order a bowl of soup for lunch (alongside a salad or a bagel) than men and, collectively, Americans will eat over 10 billion bowls of soup every year. A hot soup container needs to be comfortable enough to sit on a table and comfortable enough to carry back into the car. Today’s independent coffee shops have over $12 billion in yearly sales and you can thank hot soups for that significant margin.
While lattes and mochas are delectable, some just want a quick cup of drip to get them off on the right foot. This means no cafe should be without plenty of creamer packets for customers to grab on the way out of the door. Studies have shown over 65% of coffee drinkers prefer to add cream to their coffee, with around 35% preferring it black. No matter what your customer’s in the mood for, it’s up to you to make sure they have plenty of options to sift through.
Cream and sugar…it can really bring out the best in any specialty drip! Around 65% of coffee is consumed during breakfast hours, with 30% between meals and another 5% throughout the day. Sugar packets today have become more varied than ever to meet up with customer demand, with some classic white sugar and others organic brown sugar varieties. Sugar-free options should also be available to those on a more specialized diet.
Last, but not least…never forget your coffee cup sleeves! Coffee accessories customize a customer’s dining experience down to the last detail and sleeves are ideal for those that want a little extra comfort on the way outside. Today independent coffee shops sell around 30% of espresso-based drinks, with the rest being brewed hot or cold. It’s also estimated 50% of the American population drink espresso on a regular basis. From a hot soup container to a paper cup, it’s all these little ingredients that make up a vibrant culture.
How is your cafe contributing this year?