Latin American food is available throughout this country. Many people, regardless of background, have grown up with this cuisine. For many people, Latin American cuisine reflects the ultimate comfort food. Whether you are a novice cook or a professional looking for inspiration, there are a ton of great recetas that you can experiment with that will be sure winners with the people you are preparing meals for.
If you are a Latin American cuisine enthusiast, chances are you are constantly experimenting with recetas in the kitchen. Latin American food encompasses a rich, diverse culinary culture. The earliest agricultural staples of the Aztecs, who dominated northern Mexico, and the Mayans, who occupied the southeastern Yucatan, were beans, squash and chile peppers.
Maize or nixtamal, or “the Gift of the Gods,” is the cornerstone of Mexican cuisine. It appears in almost everything: tortillas, enchiladas, tamales, tacos, even dessert such as flan. Early Mexican dishes included atole, tortillas, and tamales, both savory and sweet.
If you are looking to cook authentic recipes, try arroz con pollo, empanadas, tamales, or enchiladas for an easy, yet authentic meal. Most of these authentic foods have been made more mainstream by American restaurants and fast food facilities, which make them easier to introduce to children or friends who may be apprehensive.
If you are looking for great recetas for authentic Latin American or Mexican cuisine, there are a ton of great online resources that you can consult for free, so you will be cooking in no time.