No one wants to get food poisoning but every year many do. As many as 48 million people will become ill with it this year. At lest 128,000 are hospitalized every year with it. It kills about 3,000 people every year. Food producers are constantly working all of the time to working to improve the food packaging containers they use. From using vacuum pouches and other plastic clamshell trays, they are making the public food safe.
There are some things you can do to keep your family and yourself safe when you eat the food you have bought.
- Buy from reputable retailers. What is the look of the place where you do your food shopping. Make sure the grocery store is clean and the meats and fish are kept at the right temperature. How does the place smell? That can and should raise red flags if this is something you notice.
- Certain foods should never be put together. If you have raw meat, seafood or any poultry, you need o keep that in separate vacuum couches . When you are at the grocery store, you should not let these foods come in contact with any of your other foods in your cart. You do not want the meal, fish or poultry juice from dripping on your other food and contaminating it.
- Be careful with canned goods. If you have cans of food in your home, you need to make sure that the cans are intact and not dented. The same goes for jars. They should not be open when you go to eat the food that is in these kinds of containers. If the can or jar remains totally intact, it can stay good for a very long time.If the food can is dented, that means some contamination has occurred. Your jars should still have the vacuum seal intact for the same reason. You should never buy cracked jars or dented cans of food.
- He careful with your frozen items. Any packaged food should be in an intact container. If it is in vacuum pouches, you need them to be closed and sealed. If your are getting frozen foods, they need to be properly sealed. You should also pay attention to the place in the freezer. If the product is in the frost line. If you can see through the package, check for frost damage. This food may have been able to thaw out and then refroze.
- Make your last stop in the store, your perishables. When you are walking around the super market, you should pick out items that are more perishable last. That includes your eggs, milk fish and chicken. Remember to keep those items away from your other foods.
- Be careful when you pick out eggs. You should always open the plastic clamshells and inspect the eggs to make sure they are not any broken ones in the carton. There are instructions on the carton that should be followed to the letter. Do not buy any eggs that have nor been refrigerator.
- Pay attention to the temperature of you car and the amount of time you spend with your groceries. It should go without saying that you should put your foods in the refrigerator as soon as you get home. When your foods are any where between 40 degrees and 140 degrees fahrenheit, dangerous bacteria can start to grow that will make whoever eats it very sick. This can happen in about two hours. If the temperature if your vehicle reaches 90 degrees, it will only take an hour for that to happen.
New advancements in vacuum packaging have made them very good for food storage. In fact, using vacuum pouches can extend the life of the food between three and five times longer than when it is stored in containers or plastic bags. They are also good for the planet. One major cause of global warming is wasted food that rots in landfills. For all the vacuum pouches, each pound that is used saves about 1.7 pounds of food waste.
Plastic vacuum pouches help preserve the safety and security of the country’s food resources to keep all safe and healthy and food poisoning free.